Discover what’s happening to you and your baby on week 8 of pregnancy – explore your baby’s development, your body’s changes, and your weekly checklist!
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Congratulations, you’ve made it to the end of the second month of your pregnancy! At 8 weeks pregnant, you may be feeling a range of emotions as you begin to prepare for motherhood. Rest assured that these feelings are normal – it can take time for the reality of pregnancy to sink in.
The most important thing for you to remember is that your body is now devoted to producing the perfect environment for your baby. Your body is working hard to ensure that there are enough nutrients and oxygen available for your baby’s growth and development.
At 8 weeks pregnant, all your baby’s major organs have started to form. And he or she is looking more and more like a tiny human being. You may begin to feel some back pain as your uterus grows and start pressing on your lower spine.
The 8 Weeks Pregnancy Digest
Here are the key takeaways for week 8 of your pregnancy:
- Your baby’s development: Your baby’s major organs have started to form. The primitive tail is gone (yay!), limbs lengthen and fingers and toes start developing.
- Your symptoms: You may start to feel some back pain as your uterus grows and presses on your lower spine. Nausea, breast tenderness, and mood swings among other symptoms may still be here.
- This week’s tip: It can take time for the reality of pregnancy to sink in, so remember that it’s normal to feel a range of emotions. Eat nutritious food and get plenty of rest, your body is working hard to produce the perfect environment for your baby.
- Keep an eye out for : your first ultrasound may be coming up this week if you haven’t had it already. This is a great opportunity to confirm your expected date of birth and learn more about your pregnancy’s progress.
Pregnancy can be an exciting but overwhelming journey, so take time to rest, enjoy the beautiful moments of being pregnant, and make sure that any concerns or worries are discussed with your doctor. There is no question too small!
Week 8 for Your Baby
Your baby is growing rapidly and many changes are happening this week. His or her major organs have started to form, including the heart, liver, and lungs. The embryo measures now about 14 mm (about 1/2 in) long.
Your Baby Is as Big as …
a raspberry!
Baby Development This Week
- Unique fingerprints have now formed on your baby’s fingers and toes!
- Your baby’s brain, although very simply formed, will start developing and growing from this point on. By this week, your baby will have developed some basic sensory perceptions as the cranial and sensory nerves start to develop.
- Facial features will continue to develop, although they won’t resemble a human face just yet. Your baby’s eyes and ears will start moving toward their proper positions in the coming weeks.
- Your baby’s tail is gone and the limbs are growing longer. Fingers and toes are starting to form.
Week 8 for Mom
Your uterus is now the size of a grapefruit, the size of an orange, or a large lemon. As your baby grows and your uterus expands, you may start to feel some backpain as it presses on your lower spine.
Your Symptoms This Week
- You may still be experiencing nausea, breast tenderness, and mood swings.
- You might gain around 3 pounds (1.5 kilograms) this week, but weight gain varies from person to person.
- Mood swings due to hormonal changes are normal, don’t be afraid to talk with your doctor or a loved one about how you’re feeling.
- You may also find yourself getting sleepy more often than usual as your body is working hard to produce the perfect environment for your baby.
This Week’s Self-Care Tips
It can take time for the reality of pregnancy to sink in, so remember that it’s normal to feel a range of emotions.
- Get plenty of rest and eat nutritious food. Nutrients from your diet will help produce the perfect environment for your baby’s growth and development.
- Take time off work if needed – getting the rest and relaxation your body needs is important.
- If you’re concerned or worried about something, talk to your doctor – there’s no such thing as a silly question or concern!
- it’s important to find a way to let off steam from time to time. Calling a friend or taking a good long walk can do wonders for your mental health.
- Make sure to get regular exercise – walking, swimming, and prenatal yoga are some of the best forms of exercise while pregnant. Exercise can also help reduce any back pain you may be feeling.
Pregnancy is a beautiful journey – stay positive and enjoy every moment!
Prenatal Checklist: What to Do This Week?
- Make sure to check in with your doctor this week for your first ultrasound or any other tests that may be needed.
- Ask questions if there is something you don’t understand about the pregnancy process.
- Take time off work if needed – getting plenty of rest is important for both you and the baby.
- Eat nutritious food and get regular exercise to keep your body in optimal condition.
- Most importantly, give yourself a break – take some time to relax and enjoy the beautiful moments of being pregnant!
8 Weeks Pregnancy Wrap Up
That’s it for week 8 of your pregnancy – you’ve come a long way! Your baby’s major organs have now started to form and he or she is looking more and more like a tiny human being.
Remember that it can take time for the reality of pregnancy to sink in, so don’t be afraid to talk about any concerns or worries with your doctor. Take time off work if needed, get plenty of rest, and enjoy the beautiful moments of being pregnant!
Most importantly, don’t forget to check in with your doctor this week for your first ultrasound if you haven’t had it already. This is a great opportunity to confirm your expected date of birth and learn more about your pregnancy’s progress.
Stay positive and enjoy every moment! Pregnancy is a beautiful journey that will soon bring joy to your life. Congratulations on reaching 8 weeks of pregnancy!
References & Resources
This pregnancy week-by-week series was developed based on the updated information contained in the following resources:
- “The Science of Pregnancy” (new edition) by DR. Sarah Brewer, Shaoni Bhattacharya, DR. Justine Davies, DR. Sheena Meredith, DR. Penny Preston.
- “The Mother of All Pregnancy Books” (third edition) by Ann Douglas.
- “My Pregnancy” by DR. Virginia Beckett.
- “The Pregnancy Encyclopedia” by DR. Chandrima Biswas.
- The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Website:
- NHS website:
The purpose of this article is informative and educational only. It’s not a substitute for medical consultation or medical care. We do not accept any responsibility for any liability, loss, or risk, personal or otherwise, incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, from any information or advice contained here. Babycious may earn compensation from affiliate links in this content.