Curious about early pregnancy signs? Learn about the initial signs and symptoms that kickstart an amazing and awe-inspiring journey.
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Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko
“Am I pregnant?” whether you’re asking yourself this question feeling excited at the prospect of having a baby or somewhat anxious, comparing what you may be experiencing to the most common early signs of pregnancy can help you get an idea!
It’s important to note that every woman experiences pregnancy differently and it is normal for some symptoms to come and go throughout the course of a pregnancy. You may be very sensitive to changes in your body and able to detect the earliest signs of pregnancy, or you may not notice any changes at all and have your first clue in the form of a missed period.
- #1 Sore or tingly breasts:
- #2 Light bleeding:
- #3 Stomach Cramps:
- #4 Lower Backpain:
- #5 Fatigue:
- #6 Shortness of Breath:
- #7 Nausea (Morning Sickness):
- #8 Emotional Changes:
- #9 Food Cravings:
- #10 Frequent Urination:
- #11 Metallic Taste in your Mouth:
- #12 Constipation:
- #13 Diarrhea:
- #14 Bloating:
- #15 Heartburn:
- #16 Vivid dreams:
- #17 Bleeding gums:
- #18 Excess saliva:
- #19 Hot flashes:
- #20 Increased appetite:
- #21 Missed Period:
- Final Thoughts
Either way, we have compiled in this article 21 very early signs of pregnancy that may indicate your little bundle of joy is on their way:
#1 Sore or tingly breasts:
Your breasts may feel tender and swollen due to changes in hormone levels during early pregnancy. As soon as a few days after conception, you might start noticing changes in your breasts. These changes include an increase in breast size, vascular patterns, and sensitivity. This means that your breasts might be sore, tingle, or become swollen and your bra might not fit the same as usual.
#2 Light bleeding:
You may notice some light bleeding or spotting around the expected time of your period. This can be caused by implantation bleeding, when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining, resulting in some blood being released from your uterus. Because the implantation happens around the same time you expect to get your period, it’s easy to interpret this implantation spotting as a light period, especially if you don’t suspect you could be pregnant!
#3 Stomach Cramps:
Another early pregnancy sign that can be easily confused with period symptoms is stomach cramps. These mild cramps may feel similar to your regular menstrual period cramps, but they can be attributed to your baby moving.
Severe stomach cramps could be an indicator of an ectopic pregnancy! This is when the fertilized egg implants itself outside of the uterus, most commonly in a fallopian tube. Ectopic pregnancies can be dangerous and require medical attention right away.
#4 Lower Backpain:
The third early pregnancy sign that can also be confused with period symptoms is back pain. This can feel like a dull and persistent ache or an intermittent sharp pain in your lower back as well as hips. Back pain during early pregnancy is caused by the same hormonal changes that also cause other symptoms such as sore breasts, nausea, and fatigue.
#5 Fatigue:
Fatigue is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy and it’s no surprise why! In the early days of pregnancy, your body is working at full steam as it produces the hormones necessary for your baby to develop and grow. Your body is also busy creating a comfortable spot for your little one in the form of a uterus! All this extra work can make you feel exhausted quicker than normal.
#6 Shortness of Breath:
Shortness of breath can be a common pregnancy symptom. This is due to the production of progesterone in early pregnancy which can make your breath faster than usual. This is especially noticeable when you are active or climbing stairs!
#7 Nausea (Morning Sickness):
Nausea, often referred to as morning sickness, snatches the award of the most classic early symptoms of pregnancy! Although it is called “morning” sickness, it can occur any time of the day (or night) and could be exacerbated by certain foods or smells.
#8 Emotional Changes:
Pregnancy often brings about emotional changes, such as feeling more sensitive to criticism or comments directed at you. You may also find yourself feeling overwhelmed, overemotional, or tearful for no apparent reason. These changes in your emotional state can be attributed to the massive hormonal shifts that occur during early pregnancy.
#9 Food Cravings:
You may find yourself craving all sorts of (unusual) foods and flavors, from sweet to salty! Although it’s not yet known why cravings happen during pregnancy (or even if they are related specifically to hormones), it’s believed that cravings are a form of your body telling you what nutrients it needs.
#10 Frequent Urination:
As early as a few days into pregnancy, you may start feeling the urge to pee frequently. this inconvenient symptom is a result of an increased blood flow into your kidneys that are improving their filtering capacity. And as your uterus grows and presses against other organs, such as the bladder, you will experience this urge even more frequently, until your uterus moves up to the abdomen cavity at the end of your first trimester releasing the pressure on your bladder.
Excessively high urination frequency, especially if accompanied with pain, may indicate an infection that requires medical attention.
#11 Metallic Taste in your Mouth:
Changes to your taste sensations, such as a metallic taste in your mouth, are also common during pregnancy. It can be caused by the increase of hormones which also affect the way you experience smell and taste.
#12 Constipation:
In early pregnancy, your body starts producing more progesterone to prevent the uterus from contracting before term. A side effect of this progesterone production is that the contraction of all smooth muscles may slow down also, including the bowel.
#13 Diarrhea:
Although it is not as common as constipation, you may also experience diarrhea during pregnancy. This can be due to the influx of hormones that affect your digestive system. It might also be caused by a food intolerance or an infection!
If you experience diarrhea during pregnancy, make sure to stay hydrated and consult with your doctor if it persists for a few days.
#14 Bloating:
Another consequence of the increase in progesterone levels during early pregnancy is bloating. This symptom, along with constipation and gas, can be attributed to the decrease in mobility of your digestive organs due to progesterone’s effects. Fortunately, these symptoms usually decrease as you enter your second trimester and your body adjusts itself to pregnancy!
#15 Heartburn:
As progesterone relaxes the muscles of your abdomen, it also relaxes the valve atop your stomach. This can lead to an increase in acid reflux and heartburn, especially after eating a large meal. To make sure you’re not consuming any acids or fats that could bother your digestive system even more, try cutting out acidic foods and fatty dishes. Additionally, eating smaller meals and avoiding eating late at night can also help reduce the symptoms of heartburn.
#16 Vivid dreams:
If you find yourself having more vivid and intense dreams than usual, it could be a sign of pregnancy. Those highly realistic, sometimes wild dreams during early pregnancy may be reflective of your emotional state or even hormonal changes in your body. Dreaming more often during pregnancy is totally normal and nothing to worry about!
#17 Bleeding gums:
It’s common for pregnant women to experience bleeding gums. This is caused by the increased levels of hormones that lead to a decrease in blood clotting ability. To help prevent this, make sure you brush and floss regularly, as well as using a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid irritating your gums more.
#18 Excess saliva:
Excess saliva can also be an early pregnancy symptom. During the first trimester, your body produces more of the hormone progesterone which can cause you to produce more saliva than usual. This is often accompanied by a sour taste in your mouth. As with many other symptoms, this should dissipate as you enter your second trimester and your hormones stabilize.
#19 Hot flashes:
Hot flashes, a common symptom of menopause, can also occur during pregnancy due to hormonal changes. You may find that your body suddenly feels hot and then cold even though the temperature hasn’t changed. This is caused by an increased blood flow to the skin which makes it feel warmer than normal. To help you stay comfortable, make sure you wear cool, loose clothing and avoid being in direct sunlight for too long.
Remember, all of these pregnancy symptoms can vary greatly from person to person, so don’t panic if you feel none of them or if you experience something different than expected.
#20 Increased appetite:
Your body needs more energy and nutrients during pregnancy to help your baby grow. This means that you may find yourself increasingly hungry throughout the day, sometimes even resulting in binge-eating episodes. Make sure to listen to your body’s signals and eat when it tells you it needs food but be mindful of portion sizes and remember to make healthy choices!
#21 Missed Period:
Last but not least, a missed period could be your major clue that you are pregnant. This is usually the most conclusive sign of pregnancy but, if your cycle is irregular or you wait a few days after your due period to take a test, it might be the only clue you have!
If you have missed your period, it is recommended to take a pregnancy test before taking any other step. If the test is positive, make an appointment with your physician or midwife for further testing and guidance!
Final Thoughts
All in all, every woman will experience pregnancy differently and some may not recognize any early signs of pregnancy at all. However, being aware of these signs and symptoms can help you recognize if you might be pregnant or not, and in case it’s positive, also prepare yourself physically and emotionally for the journey to come.
It is important to remember that even if you experience some of these signs and symptoms does not mean that you are necessarily pregnant. If you think you could be pregnant, taking a pregnancy test is the only reliable way to confirm that you are pregnant.
If you have experienced some or most of those signs prior to confirming your pregnancy, please share them in the comments down below. And feel free to add any signs that you have experienced and didn’t find in this list.
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